Dr. Mandy O’Hara

Physician, Child Abuse Specialist, Holistic Practitioner, Founder Compassion sharing®️

Incorporating over a decade of experience in holistic healing to help those dealing with trauma, burnout, or stress,  discover new paths to purpose and resiliency 

Many Offerings.........One Purpose

Trauma-sensitive approaches, to expand one's innate healing of body, mind, and spirit and align life with meaning and purpose

Soul Level Healing

Soul Level Healing is a holistic approach informed by decades of experience in trauma and abuse, combining shamanism, energy medicine, and angelic light healing to support those experiencing trauma, distress, burnout, or compassion fatigue.

Compassion Sharing Course

In The Compassion Sharing Course© for medical providers, you will increase emotional awareness from a lens of compassion, expand your understanding of secondary traumatic stress, and learn a unique tool for debriefing.

Reiki & Runes sessions

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that involves balancing energy through light touch or distance healing, to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The Runes are a form of ancient divination used to discover one’s truth when a question is posed.

Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Trauma Sensitive Yoga is a specialized practice that uses the body as a tool to promote self-empowerment, internal awareness, and mindfulness in the present moment,  while prioritizing safety within a supportive facilitator relationship.

Light on Trauma: A Workshop for Yogis

Trauma and adversity are overwhelming common and may surface in the practice of yoga.  In this one-of-a-kind workshop  you will learn all about trauma including trauma sensitive yoga from Dr. O’Hara, an expert in both. Holistic healing modalities will be incorporated to get you trauma-informed and personally transformed along the way.

Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath™️ Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a mind/body method to increase awareness and control over stress in the body, utilizing technology to track physiologic parameters.  Dr. O’Hara is a Trauma-Sensitive HearthMath™️ Certified Practitioner.  Learn biofeedback, to support a state of coherence, associated with emotion regulation, focus, and calm. 

Integrative Medicine for Stress Workshop

This workshop mirrors an individual Integrative Medicine Consultation focussing on stress, offered in a group-setting for colleagues in the workplace.   Lifestyle, mind/body, nutrition, supplements, alternative healing and more will be explored in this interactive workshop, geared at reduction of stress and improved wellbeing in the workplace.

Speaker and Workshop Engagements

Dr. Mandy O’Hara is a healer at the forefront of the intersection of Western Medicine and Holistic Healing. She has led workshops and webinars around the nation in trauma-informed care and wellbeing, and uniquely intertwines her experience as a child abuse medical expert and a holistic practitioner for expansive learning and healing.

See Yourself In a New Light

“In the midst of hearing about a possibility, that no parent would ever want to imagine, I found true and genuine compassion in Dr. O’Hara’s words and actions. I have almost 20 years of practicing as a physician, and I must say that her bedside manners are absolutely one of the best I have ever witnessed. From her perfect and precise choice of words, to her thoughtfulness about the patient’s comfort, it was just a pleasure to watch. Of course even more when it was my own child sitting as her patient. Thanks for being an amazing physician.”

-Physician Parent

“I was referred to Dr. O’Hara for shamanic soul retrieval work to address lifelong patterns of excessive caretaking. I was impressed with the pre-work she did, in holding space for inspiration and guidance even days before the actual soul retrieval. As Dr. O’Hara detailed the journey, I came to new awareness.  The guided messages I received and the impact of the subsequent integration work left me feeling lighter and optimistic for the road ahead. I am very grateful to Dr. O’Hara for sharing her intuitive gifts and for facilitating this powerful soul retrieval process on my behalf.”

-Karin A.

“I had a distance Reiki session with Dr O’Hara from 3000 miles away.  Our start time was 8:00.  As my body relaxed and the clock ticked from 7:59 to 8, I could immediately feel a grounding energy and a sensation of compassionate light.  I could feel as Dr. O’Hara addressed different areas of my physical body.  As each focus moved, I felt deep healing as the attention shifted from one area to another.  Dr. O’Hara is an extremely gifted practitioner and I carried her restorative vibration for days afterward.  She carries the gift of healing, even across thousands of miles.

-Alex F.

“Dr. O’Hara has an amazing capacity to channel healing energy.  She truly becomes the hollow bone, a conduit for beautiful, nurturing energy.  She did a distance Reiki healing for me and I strongly felt the energy throughout the session.  I highly recommend her, because she is the real deal!”

-Kim A.