Soul Level Healing
If you have experienced trauma, if you are experiencing burnout, if you have compassion fatigue or chronic stress, Soul Level Healing is for you.
Have you reached a point in your life or career where you feel ...
Burned out
In pain
Like a piece of you is missing
Lost & In the dark
Lacking direction
You May Have Reached A Crossroads
A Soul-Shifting Moment

A Soul-Shifting Moment is your Soul speaking and an opportunity to LISTEN. It may be a sign that you are ready for Soul Level Healing.
Soul-Shifting Moments may lead to a loss of one’s essence, even a loss of a piece of oneself—that is, all you are meant to be and all you are meant to contribute in this lifetime. If unaddressed, these experiences can negatively impact you for years. They can contribute to persistent health issues, debilitating pain, draining burnout, work dissatisfaction, chronic stress, and more.
Any of these experiences may be associated with one’s own personal traumas or childhood adversities including childhood loss, abuse, or neglect, or even ongoing “victim-states” in adult relationships. There may be lingering worries or fears that you can’t shake off and that are dragging you down.
Are you ready for Soul Level Healing?
Regain control
Reclaim purpose
Recharge support
Unlike any modern-day approach to addressing trauma or burnout, Soul Level Healing incorporates…
Ancient Wisdom
Shamanic Tools
Energy Medicine
Ritual & Ceremony
Work with the Elements
Somatic Approaches
to identify and address root causes of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, distress, or despair.
Soul Level Healing
Personalized Medicine for your Soul
- Supports healing of distress, trauma, and burnout
- Shines light on your path
- Awakens greater Soul Purpose and a path of true resiliency, rooted in alignment and authenticity
- Propels one on a Soul Level toward greater satisfaction and deepened meaning than otherwise possible in one’s life or career.
As a Soul Level Practitioner, Dr. O’Hara offers a personalized tailored, multifaceted approach, to open the door to dive deeper than otherwise possible, shining light where it needs to be seen, including calling upon Spirit to come forward for you, interpreting the messages that are meant for you. She does the work for you, incorporating soul journey, ritual, blessings, and connection with the elements, enabling your innate healing to support an accelerated path to wellbeing and meaningful purpose in your work and life.

Soul Level Healing can retrieve and reintegrate lost pieces of one’s self and shine light on the direction you are meant to take.

When you reach a crossroads with a Soul Shifting Moment, the choice is yours — Are you ready to accept the opportunity to dive deeper with Dr. O’Hara’s guidance and wisdom?
In this process, she will do the work for you, including, message reading, path clearing, blessings, ritual, and soul journey for your behalf, and deliver the healing back to you. You will receive targeted personalized integration pieces and tools to shift your unique story toward soul purpose, authentic resiliency, and profound meaning in your life and work.
Choose Now
Soul Level Healing
A restorative informative journey with Dr. O’Hara
For next steps in your Life and career….
Clarify your purpose
Call in support
Each Soul Level Healing includes
Compassion Sharing Session
One hour remote session to share your story, including your Soul-Shifting Moments, to understand where you are at on your path
Spirit Journey and Walk
3 days of Dr. O’Hara walking the Soul Path on your behalf to gather messages and direction for your healing, including Spirit Journey and Soul Retrieval for you, if that is what is called for
Integration Session
One hour remote session for delivery of the healing work that has been done for you, along with tools for you to take forward for integration and alignment with your Soul’s highest purpose