Soul Level Healing: Personalized Medicine for Your Soul
Soul Level Healing is a holistic approach informed by decades of experience in trauma, abuse, and complementary and alternative medicine, combining shamanism, energy medicine, mind/body, and Angelic light healing to support those experiencing distress, trauma, burnout, and compassion fatigue.
Each Soul Level Healing includes:
Compassion Sharing Session
One hour remote session to share your story, including your Soul-Shifting Moments, to understand where you are at on your path
Spirit Journey and Walk
3 days of Dr. O’Hara walking the Soul Path on your behalf to gather messages and direction for your healing, including Spirit Journey and Soul Retrieval for you, if that is what is called for
Integration Session
One hour remote session for delivery of the healing work that has been done for you, along with tools for you to take forward for integration and alignment with your Soul’s highest purpose