Whole Health Compassion Sharing


This is a one-on-one personalized consultation with Dr. Mandy O’Hara, including Integrative Medicine review and recommendations for your intention, be it General health and wellbeing or an identified Targeted issue that needs your attention.

Bringing out all the tools of Integrative Medicine, we will partner together to explore the Seven Pillars for Whole Health:  Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, Environment, Mental Resilience, Community, and Spirit.  We will honor space to share your desires and challenges,  as we compassionately explore breaking through barriers for sustainable change for your Whole Health.  After a one-hour sharing call, a comprehensive written report with suggestions, steps, and recommendations will be sent to you.

Whole Health Compassion Sharing does not involve diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing of any kind or for any condition, nor does it establish a doctor-patient relationship. Whole Health Compassion Sharing is no substitute for medical or psychological services, which should be continued for any medical or psychological concern.